
                                       Neela Megha Sareera (Tarangam)

Ragam: Mohana                                                                                                Talam: Adi
Written by: Narayana Teertha


Kasturi Tilakam Lalaata Phalake Vaksha sthale Kaustubham
Naasagre Nava mauktikam Karatale Venum Kare Kankannam |
Sarvange Harichandanam Kalyam Kantecha muktavali
Gopastri Parivestito Vijayate Gopaala Chudamanni ||

(Adorned with kasturi (Musk) on his forehead,  kaustubha Jewel on his chest, shining pearl on his nose, flute in his hands, and hands beautifully decorated with bracelets, whole body smeared with sandal paste, neck decorated with a necklace of pearls, surrounded by the cowherd womenGopala (Sri Krishna) is shining among them like chudamani (a shining headdress).)


Bala Gopala Krishna pahi pahi

(Save me, O little, Gopala(cow protector) Krishna)

Neelamega sareera
Nithyanandam dehi

(Body (of Krishna) with dark cloud complexion, give me eternal happiness)


Kalabha sundara gamana, kasthoori sobhitanana
Nalina dala ayatha  nayana, nanda nandana

Militha gopavadhu jana, meenanga koti mohana
Dalita samsara bandana, daruna vairi nasana

(Elegant walk similar to that of an Elephant, Face decorated with kasturi, Eyes similar to Lotus petals, Son of Nanda, who is surrounded by cowherds and  women, who is more attractive than 1 crore cupids, who ties the broken domestic life and destroys horrible enemies )


Vyathastha pada aravinda viswa vandita Mukunda
Sathya akhanda bodha ananda sathguna brunda Govinda
Prathyasthamitha bheda kanda palitha nanda sunanda
Nithya tha Narayana Teertha Nirmala ananda Govinda

(Having crossed lotus like feet, Saluted by everyone in Universe, Lord Mukunda, finds happiness in teaching  the truth, an adobe of good characters, who has thrown out contrasts and arrogance, who looks after Nanda, who always grants  pure joy to Narayana Theertha (Govinda))


image source: (pixabay) https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/11/18/13/53/idol-1834688_1280.jpg

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