Wednesday 25 March 2020


"Venur Madhuro, Geetham Madhuram, Panir Madhura, Padav Madurav, 
Talam Madhuram, Nrutyam Madhuram, Akhilam Madhuram"

(The flute is sweet, The song is sweet, Hand Gestures are sweet, Leg movements are sweet;
 Talam is sweet, Dance is sweet, a well performed dance is an embodiment of sweetness)

Kuchipudi is one of the oldest Indian classical dance. Having its roots in Kuchipudi Village (Andhra Pradesh),  it is the most graceful and divine form of rendition of dance. Of course, there is a lot of introduction and history available on the internet. However, when preparing for my diploma exam, I found not enough resources on the internet. Hence this blog 😇 , to help those who would want to exhaustively  learn Kuchipudi dance (along with theory). As of now, I plan of uploading dance songs and theory.

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